Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tim Burton

One recent evening, I came home to a quiet and quite remarkable scene. Isabel and lots of drawing paper and colored pencils were splayed all over the kitchen floor. My mom had taken her to see the Tim Burton show at LACMA. It's no surprise that she was taken with his work as she is already a fan of some of his films. But, she REALLY got into it. Apparently, she spent 3 hours moving very intently from one drawing to the next in the exhibition. As she studied them with wide eyes, she began to draw what she saw, and then she branched out to create whimsical and absurd characters all her own. The resulting drawings and words are pretty priceless. I'd like to think that Mr Burton himself might agree.
"Pencil Smiling at Trees"
"Scissor Eyes Winking at Nothing"

And here is poem:
Hair Brushes
Brush your hair
Do you know what it feels like?
Yes I do
It feels like getting your hair zapped, don't you no?
No, I do not no.
Thank you for telling me.
Ha ha ha
I tricked you
I don't no either.
Everybody I asked said that.
I'm going to faint now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thoughts for the Day

Now that reading and writing is really clicking with Isabel, she is actually reading and writing on her own. She sits and thinks and takes her time. Here are a few examples of poem-esque thoughts scrawled on some of her drawings I want to share:

1. Why are there butterflies that we can't see
I do not no
do you?
Ask your Dad

2. Why are there so many things around us
when we are looking
it's strange

3. Boos
Boos scare you out of your pants
Make you jump in the air
Like a frog